when over imaginative bald men gets over excited and suddenly 2 foot of hair sprouts out of his head. This effect can only be reversed by extensive treatment of slaphead lotion.
Keith was sitting having a pleasent dinner in the garden when he had a sudden explosion of slaphead sprouting where his face was covered by a hairy bush.
by Ginger streak May 7, 2006
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when your getting a blowjob and your pubic hair gets stuck inbetween the girls teeth.
blowjob deepthroat skull head dome face
damn, that girl was deepthroating me so far, that when i pulled out and she smiled her grill looked like a brussel sprout.
by J-Money/Schmeezy December 20, 2004
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British popband consisting now only of its founder Paddy McAloon, one of the most underrated songwriters ever.
Do you know Prefab Sprout? Sure, "When Love Breaks Down", "Bonny", "Cars and Girls", and "The King of Rock 'n' Roll" are all great songs.
by sylphwind December 21, 2017
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The condition of your pubic hairs, two days after having a vigorous shave. The brussel spouts give an unwanted poke to movements of the body parts,giving an irritated feeling.
Eric: Why are you walking so funny dude?
Joe: Because the brussels sprouts in my gootch are stabbin me.
by Nick and Tim February 13, 2008
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1) A derogative term for Brussels Sprouts.

2) Small pieces of turd entagled in the ass hairs after defecating (a.k.a, "dingleberries")
Sam: Dude, these nasty little green balls taste like ass!

Charlie: Those are bung hole sprouts. They are supposed to taste like that.

Sally: Don't eat too many of those! They are a known cause of bung hole sprouts.
by TNunnster April 4, 2011
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