Another way to spell the word Dulce to be able to pronounce it
That Dool-se I ate this afternoon was good!
by SweetBerry May 7, 2009
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'i don´t give a damn' in Brazil
1: Eu gosto de sorvete.
2: Foda-se

1: I like ice cream
2: I don´t give a damn or fuck (in this case)
by O Cara November 30, 2009
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A common name for a homosexual that pretends he's heterosexual and calls other heterosexuals homosexuals.

person1: you know what you are?
person2: what?
person1: gay.
person2: well, you know what you are?
person1: gay?
person2: yes, and a Se-Gil
by Jason Tian April 19, 2008
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Go fuck yourself” or “fuck you
For example “ma jebi se picka ti materina
Go fuck yourself
by m*j* November 21, 2018
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a phrase that allows some flexibility in the topic at hand, so you can talk about something without being very specific
i wouldn't say it's a psuedo box, per se, but i digress, i really do
by El_Scorcho August 28, 2003
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Ebi se, is a swearword in Macedonian, equivalent to Fuck you in english.
by mr_volk July 13, 2006
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