1.A weak attempt at music...or poetry...or something...Anyway, it consists of some guy bitchin and moaning about life while another guy moves his fingers on some string on a instrument called a 'guitar', which is the worst instrument ever
2.Absolute proof of the degeneration of our culture.
Rock is satanic music listened by many punks.

Rock is for crazy men who like to shout a lot and bang instruments alot.

Rock has no talent, anybody can be a rockstar, my grandma is about to be one.
by ViPeRS 1017 April 29, 2005
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A form of music that is mathematically less than hip-hop and IDM
Fuck. This shit sucks. Where my Anti-pop rekkids at?
by wekillsoapscum October 8, 2003
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- Religeon in which the priest are dreamers with guitars and the followers are kids with no money, no voice, and nothing to lose.
- Music which cannot be called jazz, classical, and/or hip hop.
- My favorite waste of productive time.
"How bout a cheer for all those boys that play that rock n roll. They love it like you love Jesus. It does the same thing to their souls"- Tom Petty
by That kid you hated November 18, 2004
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erection, hard on, hard like a rock, short for rockon
i got a rock fo that bitches shit, she be da hotness yo, i'ma introduce her to my rock. Yo bitch, dis my rock, suck it yo. word is born.
by deviant March 23, 2004
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Oh shit, don't through a rock at my head. You wanna kill me mate?
by Please help me. December 23, 2016
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Horrible music based on depression, and screaming. Not only that but the instruments sound like shit too. Many people who like rock are faggots who stay in there moms basement trying to make a "garage" band. Rockers are also close minded about the world around them. Thats why they're so depressed and angry all the time.
"Yeah rock on dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh 666666666666 down with the conformists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Thats a rap now lets go buy pink belts and tight shirts and complain about shit and act like dumbasses who wish they could be on Jackass."
by Damn crackers July 4, 2005
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