When there is a huge blizzard outside and there is snow blocking your doors and you can't get out.
"This blizzard is so bad, I feel like a Modern Caveman stuck in my own home."
by crazyfunnycool February 6, 2010
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A guy on the popular social media app Tik Tok who spews a lot of BS. His famous catchphrase is “hey colonizer” and he says it as if he offends white people. Most white people I know don’t care nor care to be offended about being called a colonizer. He claims it’s impossible to be racist to white people but if you look at the textbook (not the most recent politically correct definition) you’ll see that racism is prejudice against one’s skin color or ethnicity. He’s high key racist and as a person of color I don’t need a bozo like him fighting nor discussing racial issues in our country. He has a very strong hatred for white people and is being gifted many opportunities from his racism, yes he’s racist. His fans are also insufferable too, if you call him out on his racism, you’ll be kindly greeted with 13 year old white girls named Emily calling you a racist, insulting your looks (even though a lot of them should not be talking), and even reverse racism.
As a person of color, Modern Warrior is a racist and toxic mf and does not represent the sane and normal POC.
by Chad Chett January 12, 2022
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Origionally an architectural style based on the philosophical position that progression in the arts need not necessarily be a linear process. Post Modernism is the acknowledgment that nothing is, or will remain truly modern. One statement made in the name of Postmodernism is that History has ended in a cul-de-sac. Proponents of Post Modernism try to provide an interesting mixture of disparate styles and artistic references borrowed from the past. It is difficult for theorists to end the era of postmodernism since postmodernism seeks to be the destroyer of theoretical positions and therefore its own demise is merely a Post Modern concept. Now covers all areas of the art world. For more info, see some art books
"Oh this room is so Post Modern - how did you achieve all this"?

"we had loads of money and paid a designer"!
by London El Vis September 29, 2005
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A MODERN HIPPY is not about drugs or "parties" they're about the Earth and keeping industries that do bad things away. They do not buy from certain stores or don't eat certain foods. It depends on the "hippy". They're all different. They care about things with such a grand passion. They try to stay positive about life and be free. Everyone thinks about the bad things hippies do. No one ever thinks about the good things. NOT ALL HIPPIES SMOKE WEED OR WEAR NO BRA! It depends on their personality and life style. Stereotypes can be overwhelming and not all are believable. A MODERN HIPPY may use electronics and/or eat meat. The most important thing to them are the Earth.
Wow, what a great Modern Hippy! She loves those tree!
by cotqueenforever.tumblr April 26, 2013
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Alot of awesome bands buried under a layer of shitty TRL music.
Guy: Modern Music sucks ass!
Me: Really The Strokes, The White Stripes, Oasis, Tool, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Audioslave, Muse, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and U2 all suck?
Guy: Uhh...
Me: Thought so
by Mr Adequate Ph D September 1, 2006
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Modern Loneliness,

We're never alone but always depressed, love my friends to death but I never call and I never text
I'm having a bad case of Modern Loneliness
by Queen of hearts ♡♡ May 23, 2020
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