A word use to mock or laugh at someone in a joking matter
Meh-Heh your a dumb idot.
by Show Stopper DX May 10, 2010
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a polite way of saying "man whore" with out the person knowing what you said.
prepy person: "OMG! like, i broke, my nail!!!"

annoyed person: "flipping mleh heh..."
by fuck_you_pussy_lickers February 4, 2009
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A: Would you care for a cup of tea, dear?
B: eh-heh
by Eduardoguti2 March 19, 2008
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Interjection used to say that someone is gay; typically after a person says or does something that is considered atypical for their gender.
Alex: I just bought the new Taylor Swift cd.

John: Heh!
by Big J89 October 26, 2010
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A painting Depicting a long neck and a head with a malicious intent kind of look on it’s face as well as having multiple flaps on its oh so long neck the painting is in all black and white. The last details of the painting is a phrase above it saying heh beans in black and is located permanently painted on a wall. Those who se this image say they here the phrase in there head specifically in a strange voice. After viewing the picture the viewer will say heh beans at any time and giggle for a bit. This is always done in a weird voice that sounds like how the painting looks if you know what I mean.
Heheh look at that heh beans heheheh
by Ahent June 3, 2019
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A Smeh Heh Is An Elite Buller Man, He’s The Upmost Gayest Person One Could Meet, Smeh Heh’s Usually Roam The Streets Of Bridgetown In Packs..
Yous A Bare Smeh Heh Or You Ya FACKING SMEH HEH
by BabyChop November 18, 2019
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This word was created when a girl added "heh" to the end of certain things. It was originally designed to make fun of her, but it has taken on new meaning and it can be used in everyday speech.
1. Something that is to cute to describe, overly cute
2. When something is disgusting cute, or not cute at all.
1. OMG nicole, you and your new BF are soOoOOoOOo cute heh!
2. Wow that outfit is cute heh, i fucking hate it.
by Brady August 15, 2006
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