goise can mean anything you want it to, and it also means nothing. It is a universal word that is best used when directed towards an unsuspecting stranger. Other forms include the noun "goiserclause" and the noun "goiser" both used to describe a person.
when driving down the road you can roll down the window and yell to someone on the sidewalk "GOISE!"
or you can say "that guy is a goiser"
or "hey goiserclause, come here"
by Goiserclause September 1, 2007
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unused character in final name
"i am playing as the goise, unused character in final game"
"i am the goise"
"yo its the goise we gotta shoot him down"
by themanthatisaman May 13, 2023
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A way that ugly girls pronounce the word "guys" to get attention and try to be cute, but its just not cute at all. Often said after "hey" - pronounced like "hoi". She sounds stupid but she actually means "hey guys" so just smile and nod and pretend its cute.
"Hoi goise! Wanna go to McDonalds? I'm starving you goise!"
by playtennis123456789 January 18, 2012
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meaning the attack of the bombing *baby sister* she will drop bombs *books * over what ur using
by Det0x1c January 5, 2022
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A sebaceous secretion that accumulates under the foreskin of an uncircumcised man. Smegma, head cheese.
Rachel found Wesley's goy dirt extremely off-putting.
by Dr_Nemesis August 27, 2019
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a feeling of deep anxiety or dread caused one or more of the following: overwhelming credit card debt, poor life decisions, inability to maintain independence, poor diet consisting of mostly goy slop resulting in poor health and obesity, lack of activity beyond netflix binges, and other typical gentile behaviors.
while everyone is susceptible to experiencing angst over any of these situations, this type of angst is goy angst when a gentile blames all these personal issues on the jewish population and insists that all jews are conspiring against the goyim to enforce a new world order of feudalism. holocaust denial is also a common sign of goy angst.
dante's hatred for the jews is just goy angst: he's broke, lives with his parents, diabetic, has no health insurance, and spends the majority of his time watching netflix while eating bacon cheeseburgers and drinking coors light
by steg0saur March 7, 2023
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The Goy Effect is when a person(s) blindly tells you something about yourself that is not true. They use this as a winning argument to discredit what you had previously said.
John: Did you know that Jews are actually Satanists?
Jim: That wouldn't make since, Satanists do not push beliefs/proselytize. It is against our nature.
John: Come on, of course you push your beliefs. Nobody in their right mind would follow the Devil.
Jim: Obviously you are just stupid. Do your research next time.

Jim Later: *thinking* The Goy Effect really brings out the worst in people. Maybe they should do their research next time..
by Acrosvale March 25, 2023
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