small town of Washington State where old people live and many teenagers reside. Old people enjoy the town, while the teenagers hate it.Everyone sits around til 9 comes. That is when everyone drives around waiting who will volunteer to throw the party tonight. People often meet at the McDonalds parkinglot, where it is not uncommon to see 40 teenagers at a time (half of them already drunk). There are parties every weekend and often people sleep in their cars. Weed is found in humungous quantities, but quality is hard to find.
Teenagers get wasted in Gig Harbor every night.
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"I woke up in the middle of the night with the urge to take a wicked piss, but the combination of grogginess, poor lighting and a full gig made it a messy ordeal."

"The bitch up and walked out, leaving me there with a full gig."
by Hat W. February 29, 2008
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A nightime activity practiced generally in the South; bullfrog hunting, which involves, in some cases, shooting the frog with a .22 caliber gun and then spearing it, cleaning it, and cooking it, in order to eat the frog's legs.
Last night Bubba went giggin' and then we had frog legs for dinner.
by Girl Next Door July 17, 2005
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when you do something stupid for fun

e.g. banging a girl then ghosting once she’s pregnant
josh: ‘hey let’s eat horse shit
tyler: ‘for the shits and gigs of course’
by gabe itch69 October 18, 2019
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The pile of empty beer cans, Boones Farm bottles and various other empty alcohol containers that are piled up in the middle of the camp site on the Walendowski Canoe Binge. Since the gig pile is central to the camp site the empty contributions can be thrown from any point in the camp site. A careful count needs to be taken at the end of each years trip so it can be compared to past years gig piles.
Darin threw another empty beer can on the gig pile.

Is that Marty sleeping in the gig pile...again?

This year we had 23 empty Boones Farm bottles on the gig pile.

The camp nazi was not happy when he saw the gig pile
by CMLawrence June 28, 2006
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A Gig Worker is a person who has a gig they do for cash money, this can be a daily nightly or weekend Gig. A Gig Worker does a gig that can take a hour or many hours but is not required to be at this work at a regular time or day of the week. A Gig Worker may have another full time permanent job or may not. To make a extra few dollars a month to help with his bills every month the Gig Worker finds a job that brings in extra cash to supplement his needs
A Gig Worker may have many Gigs he does per week per month he may make all the Gigs combined into a full time Gig Worker job to survive every month. Or just have one Gig Worker job to supplement his income.
I am a gig worker I worked several days a month mowing the neighbors lawn that's my Gig Worker job.
On Thursday nights I collect cans in my neighborhood this is my Thursday night Gig Worker job
I have a weekend Gig where I pull trash liners in a local park so it keeps trash out of the park through the weekend this is my Gig Worker job on weekends
by Littlean November 15, 2021
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to raise the middle finger of both hands towards someone or something you object.
I made fun of that dude for playing with hackie sacks, and he subsequently double gigged me.
by John Jacob Smithson October 7, 2008
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