Your pride and dignity just exploded like a teeny kitten
Mum just went to get some yogurt but found out that someone had duped her by emptying the container during the night. "You got duped!"
by Snorungarna March 17, 2020
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fucking server so hard that it will give you items

used on and
>popbob sex dupe
by that guy from a mc server February 10, 2020
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Deuce Duped Dickhead is always a good hearted male. His good heart is used against him by the same female not once but twice. After being burnt in a relationship once, he gets manipulated and sucked back in to the same relationship with lies and false promises, only to get burnt again, more often than not the next day. The male will then be ignored and forever wonder why the female, who is obviously a game player with no heart, would ever do this to him.
"Did you hear the big fella is a Deuce Duped Dickhead?"

"The good hearted, understanding bloke?"


"That poor guy."
by Tony Balony the Phony March 25, 2019
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When a chick has sex with you and then steals anything of value to you.
Last night I was going balls deep and when I woke up this morning that bitch stole my car. She gave me one hell of a dupe n' do!
by Jeremy and Jarrod Brown May 16, 2006
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Your pride and dignity just exploded like a teeny kitten
Mum just went to get some yogurt but found out that someone had duped her by emptying the container during the night. "Ya got duped bro"
by Snorungarna March 21, 2020
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A Diablo II Dupe Program, or Diablo II Dupe Method, that allows you to replicate items in Diablo II. Can be found on various websites, including:

{{moby game|id=/diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction |name= ''Diablo II: Lord of Destruction''}}
Yo, I just bought a Diablo II dupe at
by Sean Cassidy January 16, 2007
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Goat love-maker
Elan is a dupe copulator
by Belle November 13, 2003
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