The great white whale that used to do sound for really big box.
You gotta be dry fuckin' me. That dude is a taint dragger!
by JSS JAMES April 23, 2009
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Bundy is a body dragger
by Deezboobs September 17, 2023
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Description of a person who's so lazy, they can't even be arsed to carry a shovel. Instead choosing to drag it along behind themselves, as they saunter along at a snails pace, attempting lack lustre conversation with anyone they happen across.
Look at that shovel-dagger. Bloody lazy shovel-dagger.
Old Jim? Yeah, he's a shovel-dragger.
by SiTav November 23, 2021
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Is surfer slang for a boogie boarder, who doesn't have marbles big enough to actually surf. Spends the day on the water dragging his junk behind his cute little board.
Bro, I can't surf next to a dong dragger who is out here where he isn't supposed to be.
by Surfermatt November 16, 2013
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A Ditch Dragger suffers from poor eyesight and a terrible sense of direction, especially in familiar territory. At least once a year, the ditch dragger will crash a perfectly good truck into a drain that has been there for years.
The Ditch dragger is particularly common on farms, and usually has a proclivity for molesting innocent farm animals.
"fuck me, did you see what that clown did this time? what a fucking ditch dragger!"
by Group_Shaggalong April 29, 2021
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Generally, a woman whose pushed out several kids and her breasts are hanging like partially filled sand bags.
Connie is such a used up titty dragger, they hang over her nasty gunt!

A fat, useless titty dragger like Connie doesn’t have anything left worth looking at. God, what a roached out whore!
by Richter Ass October 22, 2023
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Someone who revels in accomplishing nothing, at great mental expense. An argument that goes nowhere, save for numbing the mind of those who hear it.
by GoneJuan September 5, 2022
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