When your teeth turns to liquid and drips down the back of your throat.
When your assistant to the regional manager at your work asks you to fill out an anonymous paper with diseases or disabilities that you would like covered in your health care plan- write down spontaneous dental hydroplosion in case your teeth turn to liquid and drips down the back of your throat.
by scubathugsteve April 26, 2005
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The act of plucking the hairs from your butt/grundle, and use them as floss to get food out of your teeth.
Jimmy: Yo Craig, you have some food in your teeth.
Craig: It's alright. I'll just use my dutch dental floss to get it out.
by TommyBahama May 7, 2012
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When one human being completly polishes off anothers set of choppers with an incredably amount of semon. This later creates long time effects of lung and throat cancer as well.
Jim- i just was at my friends house a couple days ago and we had a really good time
Dan- damn i wish i would have went, what did you guys do?
Jim- we fucked eachother and then i gave him some special dental work
by Digesting_anal_fluid June 25, 2013
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A small portion torn from the foil wrapper from one's burrito, used to clean between the teeth.
Man, that carne asada sure got stuck between my teeth. Good thing I have some Mexican dental floss!
by jac3 May 18, 2008
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The religion of one of David Lynch's characters in the movie, BLUE VEVET, named Frank Booth. Portrayed by Dennis Hopper, Frank Booth inhales nitrous oxide from a cannister. It puts him into a psychotic trance, thus, "Trance and Dental" the dental, coming from the use of nitrous oxide at the dentist. David Lynch is out of his mind, claiming that if we give him(Maharishi Yogi) 7 Billion Dollars, that this will some how bring about world peace is beyond insane. Fortunately, we already know David Lynch IS insane.
Trance & Dental Medication will make you higher than David Lynch when he's meditating while smoking American Spirit cigarettes.
by sternwise October 2, 2006
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Disease in which your teeth turn to liquid and then drip down the back of your throat.
"I'm inventing new diseases. So like lets say my teeth turn to liquid and then they drip down the back of my throat what would you call that?" "I thought you said you were inventing diseases; that's spontanious dental hydroplosion" -Jim and Pam from "The Office"
by Falls Penn February 25, 2007
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I went down on a chick with a 70s retro muff and got a mouthful of nature's dental floss.
by I am Achmed July 31, 2008
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