Askin someone wat they meant by something they say/said.
Ole Boy: TF u doin bruh?
Me: Chu Mean?
by StarredUp8089 September 14, 2019
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A meme, also supersmart
I'm still not a Joe chu, despite my efforts to be noticed
by Danger noodle 666 January 9, 2017
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a man who is so fat that half way through calling him chunk you are so shocked you end in a awe inspired "wunga"
my god you chu-wunga
by Robert .p. March 6, 2007
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A spanish slang word spoken commonly while speaking Spanglish is used to describe something cute, or adorable and can sometimes be used to infer homosexuality.
Bill: "Dont you think my wife will like these flowers?"
Rob: Oh my god yes! Ay Chus! Your being a girly!!"
by Sudonymph June 22, 2010
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the ugliest thing you've ever seen
man, that chick over there is almost as bad as the chu
by pooja December 1, 2004
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An individual that bounces from one military Container Housing Unit to the next for the purpose of sex with the various inhabitants of them. Most oftenly is used to describe a female, but isn't gender limited. Also known as a whore, or if in the instance of a male, a stud.
1. While deployed to Iraq, Jane became a regular ChU jumper and was very popular among the male members of her company.
2. Johnny was a regular CHU jumper, so it was no surprise when half of the company became infected with herpes!
by kb1982 April 16, 2010
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Someone who Is crazy
Says poonani alot
& doesn't like the smell of turkey
Damn you mika-chu!
dude thats a mika-chu right derrr!
by EhHEhah March 28, 2009
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