A normie but overuses boneless (or 🅱️oneless) pizza memes. Look up cancer while your at it.
Normie: Can I get a BONELESS Pizza.

Me: Get out of my house (you boneless normie scum)
by Normie/Thot Hunter November 2, 2017
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when that flat booty's under 96lbs.
guy: "man, she got some boneless ass."
guy2: "yeah, that looks 95lbs to me."
by sapnu/puas July 21, 2017
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Boneless cookies are undercooked cookies that are soft and gooey and are cookies for 6-8 minutes.

Once the cookies look puffy after 6-8 minutes take the out and press them down and enjoy.
p1:"Have you ever had boneless cookies"
p2: "wtf is that"
by Katsuki Luna February 8, 2023
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the perfect grilled food to feed to the homeless
as i fire up the bar-b-q, i made a suggestion. you bring the chips, and i'll bring the christian, boneless christian of course
by meat sandwich November 5, 2007
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A thing that does not exist. Pizza has no bones PERIOD.
Asshat: "Can i Order a boneless pizza?" Hard working pizza chef: "No They do not exist."
by Tenkaiechi June 29, 2017
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it's when you're horny but don't get a boner
elliot:rodger you remember that time you got a boneless boner

roder:please don't remind me of that
by fire pro YT November 23, 2019
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-a boneless pizza
-a weak little white kiddo

guy 1:uhmmm lemme get a boneless pizza with a 2 liter coke
guy 2: a what kinda pizza?
guy 1: a boneless pizza
guy 2: im sorry we dont have that on the menu
guy 1: awwww
by littlegingerfuck123 August 29, 2017
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