Badass can only be described as...... BADASS
i go places with my friend, John the BADASS
by John The Badass January 21, 2007
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"Tower Tycoon Alfred is the true definition of a badass! :D"-Officer "Looker"
by Tower Tycoon Alfred January 11, 2012
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Adjective. Anything but Aelius Maximus Decimus Meridius
"I am not Aelius Maximus Decimus Meridius, therefore I am badass."
by The Official Webster January 6, 2007
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the state of being badass
Anthony and Chanelle will always be known for their badassness.
by chennla May 29, 2008
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(noun) The state of being badass.
That pitcher has had badassism take over his body, he is mowing hitters down!
by playaaaaaaahatin June 20, 2009
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A badass isn't someone wears ripped leather jackets, a badass isn't someone who breaks stuff to look tough, and a badass isn't someone who fights for the fun of fighting. That's the definition of a poser. Being a badass is completely different.

Unspoken Rules of Being Badass:
1. First rule of being a badass. A badass does not talk about being a badass. Period.

2. Second rule of being a badass, a badass does not try to be a badass or look tough. A badass simply is a badass.

3. A badass stays true to themselves, always. This means being themselves for themselves, and not being fake to impress others.

4. A badass does not give up. Badasses will always push themselves for the better, no matter how hard it gets.

5. A badass is not a jerk. A badass does not prey on the weak, and shows kindness in return to those who are kind.

6. A badass knows his/her limits. Don't be stupid, you're not Superman, you'll die if you jump off a building.

7. A badass does not make enemies or go looking for fights. They do not fights that aren't worth fighting either.

Any breaking of these rules is grounds revoking of the status of being a badass. If this happens, a badass must once again prove they are worthy of being badass by following the rules. A badass can only be determined by the opinions of others.
Poser Jock: "Look at my muscles, I can bench 250lbs, I could knock any of you b/c I'm so badass!"

Badass: "Alright. Prove it."

*Poser Jock makes a beeline at the Badass and throws a punch that misses the Badass, and ends up hitting the wall.*

Poser Jock: "Oww, my hand!"

*Badass throws one quick punch to the gut, knocking the Poser Jock out cold."

Nerd #1: "Look, he punched that poser jock out! He's such a badass!"

*Badass says nothing*

Nerd #2: "He's following rule number one, he's definitely a badass!"

*Badass says nothing again*
by runawaytrain March 1, 2011
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