Girls or Boys who crave, live, and thrive for attention. They dont care if they hurt others so long as they get what they want. Hates be alone. Always has to talk to someone or be with soemone. Attention Whores useually lie alot. Attention Whores are useually whores who Scene Fuck and hook up with people for more attention. They are very fake people who are sometimes very pretty but also uber concited. Most people dislike Attention Whores.
Jessie is such an Attention Whore. She Scene Fucks everyone
its disgusting.
by Lorixcore116 September 19, 2007
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Attention Whore is somone Who love attention so much they crave it every day.
"Omd That bitch Dyed hair hair pink. What an Attention Whore."
by Ch3y January 21, 2008
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Someone who craves attention. Attention whores usually don't care if they get made fun of, because they think that they are getting more attention if people are insulting them. By the time most attention whores leave high school, they finally realize that nobody ever cared about them.
This retarded canadian kid in my school is an attention whore. Everyone in my school makes fun of how fucking stupid he is and how he'll end up cleaning shit out of outhouses, but he is happy because he's getting attention. By the time he starts cleaning the stale shit out of his first assigned outhouse, he'll finally realize that nobody ever gave a shit about him. Hopefully, he won't have kids, or mankind's gene pool may be further poisoned by attention whores and/or failures.
by I hate attention whores... October 19, 2009
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Somebody who craves attention so much that they'll make themselves look like a sphincter just to get it
see him with that hat pulled over his face and barking like a dog... hes such an attention whore
by no-one111 February 7, 2009
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"Hey didn't OneGirlOneNightmare get famous because of lying about others?"
"Yeah, basic attention whore"
by MagicalMelody May 27, 2017
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1. Someone who abandons a husband and kids for IG fame. Daily takes her clothes off for strangers on the internet for money to fill a hole since her daddy didnt hug her enough as a kid. Creates drama and fabricates stories to feed off of the sympathy of strangers but lies to her own family and friends about her behavior so nobody knows what she is really like.
Holy shit, did you see what Keli did now? Shes such a GD attention whore
by Blufalcon27 June 8, 2018
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