Damn, look at her over there being booty at that booty.

I'm 12 booty.
by zeewatinaho April 19, 2011
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Adj. - Something that's disappointing or stupid; Something bad.
Mom - We're going to gattitown for your sister's birthday
Shanaynay - omg nooooooo don't make me
Mom - you have to
Shanaynay - this is so booty

Teacher - Give me your phone
Sara - No
Teacher - Go to the office
Sara - You are so booty
by gsac4l December 30, 2014
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Something you tell a female she is, making her think that you are complimenting her and calling her beautiful in a cute "pooky" voice, when actually, you are describing the niceness, and fullness of her posterior.
Ex 1: Kim Kardashian
Ex 2:

Guy: Ohhh Girl you lookin' bootiful
Girl: Thank you

Guy: (thinking to self) man she got that nice badonkeydonk.
by Gorillafaceoff April 3, 2011
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Don't drop any slice of my booty, or I'll have your booty!
by I eat swag for breakfast August 26, 2014
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1, (original) Another word for pirate treasure.
2. a child's boot or shoe
3. (mostly used) backside, or butt. Usually of the female persuasion. Mostly appealing sexually.
- Professor, What another word for pirate treasure?
- I think its booty. Thats what it is.

Jermiah! Put your booty on, or you'll catch a cold.

Did you caught the booty on that fly girl? damm! Me likey.
by abragag December 5, 2008
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1. Lack of essence.
2. Used to describe something that really sucks.

Yo, that movie was mad booty!

Your b-ball game is booty, yo!
by beckkyyy September 13, 2007
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