A day where you and your friends go out and staple bread to trees. the day is june 29th
hey it’s june 29th

Omg it’s National Staple Bread to Tree day
by graeme Cock June 24, 2022
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When a girl pinches your dick between her chin and her neck.
"John, your ex girlfriend was giraffe stapling me last night. It was awesome!"
"That girl with the big neck over there is probably really good at giraffe stapling."
by TOyoyo September 30, 2013
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A wook that feels they need to speed up their transformation process by stapling dreadlocks, crystals, spoons, and other wook trinkets to their head. This increases their overall headiness and wookness exponentially.
Man that dude over there is a supreme staple wook
by Gobnugget September 11, 2019
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Someone who sucks so many penis, their lips get chapped.
Jareds lips are so mongle staple toned.
by Slimmed Shady October 31, 2018
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An arrogant bafoon that has no real world context of actionable solutions, however can speak and regurgitate the appropriate buzz words to give confidence to a ill-informed audience
Staples is killing my vision !!
by Herc12 November 17, 2021
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A UOIG (tm) report that is so long it requires more then one staple to securely bind the document. This is a result of one staple only penetrating the first half of the report.
A) Did you see Travis's report for this Friday?

B) Yeah man, that thing is a real staple buster. I will be up all night reading that damn thing. I tried to staple it and only bound half of the document, what's worse is the stapler is toast.
by IG2010 April 20, 2011
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