A combination of adderall (cocaine) and percocet (heroin). Available everywhere, but originating on the streets of 703.
Alex: Duuuuude im so psyched for tomorrow.

Colton: Why??

Alex: I told you, I'm making a lorton speedball!!

Jimmo: Faster, pussies!!!
by cwalk787 November 11, 2010
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An alcoholic drink whose ingredients are half a shot of Bacardi 151, half a shot of an energy shooter (e.g. Monster's Hitman), and a crushed up caffeine pill. Called such because it is much more hardcore than Vodka and Redbull.
I gave my friend 4 Devil's Speedballs, and now he doesn't know if he wants to pass out or punch people in the face.
by TommyGunAngels April 13, 2009
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A strong high/low combination of a 2 serving or more energy drink (Red Bull, Rockstar, Monster, etc.) and prescription painkiller or other strong downer (most commonly Vicodin or comparable). Produces a very strong "Trip" or "High" that can last several hours until an equally strong crash or "Low" as the caffiene
Dude, I was tripping balls on that Suburban Speedball all morning!
by Heretic Bassist November 10, 2009
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A drug combination used mostly by white, middle-class high school kids who don't know where to find cocaine and heroin, but who have a medicine cabinet full of prescriptions. A suburban speedball is made from combining adderall or ritalin with any of the opioid painkillers, such as vicodin, percoset, codiene, etc.
"Bro, I'm bored, wanna meet up and do some suburban speedballs then ride bikes to the park? My mom just picked up my ADHD meds today and my dad still has some perc 20s from his back surgery. I'm sure he won't miss them, lol!"

"Hellz yeah mane! Party, party, party!"
by OShwagg December 18, 2019
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(noun) - A beer and a coffee imbibed together - usually immediately after waking.

(Origin: Northern California)
"You want some coffee?"

"Of course. Any beers leftover from last night? I'll take one of those too."

"One Miller Speedball coming up..."
by Jacob Resneck May 22, 2008
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A dangerous cocktail of stimulants and depressants comprised of a cigarette, a glass of heavily sweetened tea, an energy drink and a handful of sleeping pills. These ingredients are frequently smuggled across borders in the Middle East at reasonable prices. The Kurdish Speedball is usually used in an attempt to relieve the stress that goes with being a member of an oppressed group.
Ever since Comrade Mazlum lost his dad to the brutality of the Turkish government, he's been unable to get to sleep without a Kurdish Speedball.
by Nice to meat you May 2, 2021
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When you drink strong sweet tea while smoking weed.
Working in this heat is exhausting, I could really use a dixie speedball.
by RebelliousRed August 14, 2018
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