Short for "So sad story". It is often used to express sadness or sympathy, but can also be used to express irony or lack of sympathy.

Used as a hashtag #sss or capitalized #SSS to emphasize the concept.
Example 1

Friend 1:" I locked myself out of my apartment today" :(
Friend 2: "Oh no! sss..."

Example 2

Popular friend 1:"My instagram post only got 100 likes"
Other non so popular friend: "SSS"

Example 3

"My Western blot didn't work again... SSS"
by Rorro1 February 20, 2019
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SSS stand for sheds Stoner squad

It’s a group of young g’s that have been running it since day 1 they don’t run them SSS run them
by Sss on top June 24, 2019
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Dave: I went down on all the other girls in your school because I wanted to have sex but to save my virginity for you.
Gillian: sss
by bogosuperelf July 24, 2020
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That dude has the smallest shoulders I have ever seen. He can’ barely carry the burdens of his own life. He suffers from SSS.
by Foodster2 April 11, 2019
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Friend: Hey let's hang out after we go to the gym!
User: For sure. Let me SSS and I'll hit you up!
by Jack Meovv September 16, 2017
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