Oh you're found it even thought this isn't tags...
but here a example
person 1: Hi! How are you?
Person 2: a list of comma-separated tags...
Person 1: if you in coma how did you speak?
by Typeration October 18, 2022
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The realization that usually occurs around thirty-five, and most typically in men who have been circumsized (it's generally unheard of in women), that your foreskin is gone, it isn't coming back, and that you miss it. Complete mental breakdowns have been attributed to this disorder (which is found in the DSM-IV-R).
Biff: Doctor Rob, what am I gonna do? I miss it so much...It's just too hard to go on without it. Is there any way to help me? Can we maybe find it on the internet?

Doctor Rob: Somehow, Biff, i doubt your foreskin is living a successful and happy life in the suburbs of Cleveland. I'm sure it more likely found its way to the hospital incinerator shortly after you were born. You've got delayed foreskin separation anxiety disorder, and I'm prescribing Paxil and Diazapam. They should help you out.
by Blenderhead91 April 27, 2010
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A single seat used to announce to everyone in eyesight that you are not gay.
Hey homey, leave a single seat of straight guy separation, wouldn't want that hotty over there to wonder about us.
by southernfried July 15, 2010
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A: "Jim got into trouble again last night."
B : "He only has a head to separate his ears."
by dbdbdb999 December 31, 2016
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1) The frictions caused by social obligations and gender roles conflicting with our natural or primal instincts that can increase or decrease relevant to the amount of adrenaline our bodies produce in response to the trauma of being forced to live this life not according to the natural order of things as they were intended.

2) At the root of mental illness.
"Here. Take a pill." Was the response from the psychiatrist when I shared the story of my last LSD experience when I heard a chorus of angels say, "Primal Separation Anxiety Disorder. Live in the woods a while and put your mind back to order."
by growmoreweed January 11, 2016
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There are seven separate sections of safety:
1. Have an escape plan
2. Have equipment for every circumstance

3. Watch for people throwing things at you
4. Watch for anything that can and probably will hurt you
5. Accidents are prohibited

6. Be careful beware of safety

7. Accept that you are probably in danger at any and every given moment
Remember the seven separate sections of safety.
by Party leader David June 15, 2024
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Zero Separation (ZEE-roh Sep-uh-RAY-shun) is a term used to describe the remarkable closeness and unity between two or more friends. It signifies a relationship where there is so little space or distance between them that they appear as one. These friends share an unbreakable bond, often understanding each other without the need for words and possessing an almost telepathic connection. Their personalities, tastes, mannerisms, and points of view are nearly indistinguishable. In essence, Zero Separation reflects the highest level of friendship, transcending the boundaries of a typical camaraderie.
Ryan and Daz' friendship has reached Zero Separation; they're practically two peas in a pod, and their Symbrocity is truly something to behold
by Dazario B. October 28, 2023
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