paintshop pro, an image creating and editing program produced by jasc that is used professionally or just for the hell of it to (usually) make website layouts.
most everyone has it, but the question is do they know how to use it?
by etchasketch January 6, 2004
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Sony Computer Entertainment's Playstation Portable.

Designed as a multimedia device, it is one of the most powerful platforms available on the market. Well developed games boast near PS2-quality in graphics and sound, and gameplay is varied and entertaining. Supports MP4 and Mp3 video and audio formats, and displays JPEGs, GIFs, and TIIF files. Recent firmware updates allowed the use of a full web browser that uses the internal wireless ethernet card to run off of a 802.11b network. Often criticized to be fragile or plagued by low battery life. However, when running at optimal levels, conservative screen brightness and volume settings, underclocked processor, battery life is well within nominal parameters. Obviously, running with the volume and brightness maximized and the wireless card active will drain battery life much quicker, but it isn't nearly as bad as many authors have made it out to be. The real strength lies in the PSP's homebrew potential. While constantly policed by Sony in the form of prohibitive firmware updates, extremely bright and resourceful hackers such as Dark_Alex and Booster were/are able to thwart Sony's efforts. Homebrew allows one to run nonstandard programs ranging form custom firmwares that allow the psp to be used at its full potential, to hardware emulators allowing people to play SNES, and other older consoles. Homebrew allows people to really innovate and it shows what people can do when presented a powerful resource. PSP games can be extremely fun and innovative. Games such as Lumines or Loco Roco push the limits of what people can imagine, and others like Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops push the envelope in terms of graphics and playability. The PSP proves that innovation doesn't need a gimmick.
The PSP is the maligned creation of Sony.

I bought a PSP for 250 USD. It was worth every cent of it.

Prima: *Playing his PSP*

Secunda: "Hey that's pretty cool, those graphics look almost as if they were on a console!"

Prima: "Yeah, but it's not just graphics. I can do many things all in one package. Then with the work of extremely talented crackers and programmers, I can do much more!"

Tertia: "OMG!11 YUOR PSP SUXX0RZ!11 IT HAS NO BATTERY LIFE! LOL DISC READ ERROR!11 I'm going to go play a bad port of a N64 game. LOL, INNOVATIV!"
by popularnerd December 13, 2006
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Person1:do you have a psp?


Person1:ha ha ha ha! it stands for pretty small penis
by fever308 January 7, 2011
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Something that only oblivious, rich, and ignorant gamers buy. Bragging about it's ability to play movies, music, and what-not, people forget to mention that you need the memory stick in order to do anything, and the sticks that're out now do not hold much.

Having to re-buy all the movies in Sony's UMD format, and with a majority of it's games being poor rehashes and ports (but still get good scores because of ignorant fanboyism) it screams, GIMMICK! But people still buy this trash anyways because the gaming industry is being flooded by casual gamers that know squat. (not insulting, it's the truth, sorry the truth hurts folks)
Casual gamer: (way too overexuberant) Yo man, I had to rip 350+ dollars outta my butt to get the PSP, a rehashed game, memory stick, and a movie I already have!! I'm so awesome!

True Gamer: Sucks to be you! XD I hope you and your family starves now that you have no money! Eventually leading up to the event of cannibalism in order to survive!
by Dark Fox May 8, 2005
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Playstation Portable. A system that puts out graphics near PS2 quality and kicks DS in the balls.
I used to have a DS, but I traded it in for a psp.
by Mr. Nintendo March 25, 2005
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Overrated handheld made by Sony. Is being PWND by the DS. It's not known by everyone, but the DS actually CAN play movies and stuff.
Check it out! I'm on the internet with my PSP! Isn't it- *battery dies*
by Jordan April 25, 2005
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