Anyone named mareli Is definitely a hoe who goes to the same guy also her friends smell like fish
Audrie: OH NO

Kyleigh: what?


by Mareli and her friends *Beware November 13, 2019
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Messing up your hair, sometimes until it's big and fluffy Generally more for guys than girls
*runs hands through hair rapidly*
"I'm having a mare!"
by Fifihasherlife December 10, 2007
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Another rhyming slang term for having a nightmere. A "Weston super mare" however, is used to define a troubling situation of significantly higher magnitude than your average "Tony Blair"
Weston-Super-Mare is also know as a shite seaside holiday town in the West of England.
"Mate, I'm having a Weston. The Mrs came around last night and found me in bed with her mum."
by Ginger Binger October 22, 2003
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A small town, on the south-west coast of the UK, Which has a small beach which has black water.

Supposed tourist attraction, but theres nothing there except the black sea.
"Im going on holiday to Weston-super-Mare"
by cowwilly April 17, 2004
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"Of The Sea" basically the best name ever. Only the most noble and sexy people have this as their last name.
"He's so cool i bet he is a De La Mare!"
by DDeL March 8, 2008
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A girl who used to be sexy but grows up to be a prune.
guy 1- "Dude, do you remember that smokin hot Ashley chick from highschool?"
guy 2- "Yeah man, shes an old gray mare now."
by Stephan F. September 23, 2009
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