The J.R.O.T.C instructor For the Bangor Battalion, (also known as the Ram Battalion) is an incredible role model, and Probably the best teacher in the school
Hey yo, is that Colonel Lyon
by JROTC CADET 6969/420 September 12, 2022
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The David Lyons Complex is what can be seen in those individuals that most certainly like the same gender, but will never admit it. People who are living this complex usually have man buns and have foot fetishes.
"Did you see that guy with the man bun who was giving that poor kid a yee yee ass haircut? Definition of The David Lyons Complex."
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A dumbass Polish bitch that's a fuckboy. Looks like a retarded Harry Potter
You see that ugly ass motherfucker, he looks like Cody Lyons.
by Cody@Polish@Lyons May 12, 2016
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The best person that has ever existed. She is simply amazing and there is nothing wrong with her. She might deny it but it's all true. She's cute, funny, awesome and overall... The best.
Abby Lyons is the best person that has ever existed.
by Jejejsjsdbdhdj April 6, 2018
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A drink consisting of two shots of cognac and a favored local beer
We ordered Lyons breath and our night took a turn
by Eric Lyon June 20, 2023
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A man usually mistaken for a god. He is fierce, humble and loyal. A true sex machine.
He is arousingly terrifying but I trust him. He's definitely a dirty lyon.
by Sandyguy September 18, 2020
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