the best halo 2 clan in the world, consisting of henry (the best) tom the 2nd best and constanti ans hing who are crap and let the clan down
oiii i hope we dont verse ll WeT Floor ll again cause they'll kick are ass again!!!!
by wet floor rules March 21, 2005
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A fucking fatass that always goes afk to eat roast beef sandwiches from Arbees.
We’re in the middle of a ranked match you li mythic ll!
by cl0ut July 30, 2018
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Origin: Rapper- LL COOL J
(1)A white kid acting as if they are black and/or acting as if they can actually rap.
(2)John Lince's brother, Jared Fonda.
Ex. (1) The 7th grader is white, and wears clothes similar to what a Harlem gang member would wear, yet he is a wimp. We call him : "LL Cool J".

Ex. (2) Jared Fonda wears tight muscle shirts, has a black swagger, and talks as if he is tough. Hence the nickname "LL Cool J".
by Brandon Brown March 22, 2005
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LL CoOl J originally the name of a famous rapper, and now used as a term to describe 3 specific people joined as one. The first L stands for Laura, the second L stands for Londyn, and the J stands for Julie. The word cool simply infers to the fact they rare the coolest people alive.
LL cOOl J we run these streeetss
Laura - addicted to cokaine.
Londyn - interested in collecting bee-hives.
Julie - obsessed with jock-straps
by Londyn December 23, 2004
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A rare desiese where you get pissed off for no reason, which eventually leads to you getting pissed at your own last name, which leads to you eating your own lips that taste strangley like French Onion Soup.

Worker 1: I haven't seen Rick at work for a while, where is he?

Worker 2: LL Cool J
by ChadBroChill234 April 18, 2007
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Latina lesbians who like the outdoors.
“Hey Jim what’s with those chicas over there in the canoe?”
“Oh Lucia and Valentia? They’re LL bean flickers.”
by Ramman328 December 30, 2022
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