the legendary video made by the one and only ''GUH- a rat'' the video currently just hit 100 likes and this is the most likes I have ever gotten on a video! The day starts off with kokichi and kaede starting their periods and are really pissed about it so they go shopping for tampons with shuichi!
" woah hey have you seen that video hanako from GUH- a rat just posted, you know... kokichi goes to walmart?"
by Hanako GUH May 17, 2021
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Starting on April 12th and ending on April 19th is Kokichi Slander Week. (A.K.A KSW)
On KSW Week we all must post hate videos about Kokichi daily. On KSW Week we must make hate videos on the ship ‘Saiouma’ which is the ship between Shuichi and Kokichi. This ship is unacceptable and falls into the one-sided category.
It’s Kokichi Slander Week soon.
by Miuism Leader April 12, 2021
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A Funny,Handsome guy also A Serial Killer and a leader of 10,000
Runs over Himiko
I Kokichi Oma Kira Yoshikage ran over Himiko again
by Kokichi Oma Kira Yoshikage January 26, 2021
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National Kokichi Ouma day, the day that the supreme leader prodigy popped. Quite literally.
P1: "Ayo bro, it's June 21: National Kokichi Ouma day."
P2: "Oh. So THAT'S why I've been hearing 'Wow, Shuichi! Did you hear that? The robot's being sassy with me!' all day!"
by Kokichi. Ouma May 5, 2022
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Terrible person. Kokichi Ouma (spoilers for daganronpa v3) framed people for murder, forced someone to murder, lied all the time, and was a shit human beinng in general. He is not your "uwu cute little gay boy" He is a criminal.

Also, the "Grape panta" jokes aren't even good. The fandom just went "oOoH hE HoLdS pUrPle jUiCE!!!1!1!!1111!" and made it a joke. No effort whatsoever.
Person 1: Kokichi Ouma is my uwu bean gay soft boy!1!!
Person 2: No, he's a menace.
by Hiyoko the ant killer December 6, 2021
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Annoying ass baby that every 13 year old simps over ew
Person B: Ew no get away from me please
by kelseystarzz March 21, 2022
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