They are a romantic couple and theyy are the most loyal couple everr!!
I wanna have a relationship like ryan+kirstie
by Keeley russel October 10, 2018
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Big milf massive tits would shag. Also gives a good workout if you know what I mean. Caelan is mine, C.M is my lover.
I shagged Kirsty Murby.
by ZacciR January 12, 2023
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The true Giga-Chad with balls the size of the twin towers.
He uploads sometimes and has epic comebacks.
KiRsTi has a friend named Bred Man who is a Chad himself
How many girlfriend does KiRsTi have?
by Mr.TrueDeffinition April 26, 2022
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Where you Dina handstand and try to click back onto your feet, but end up landing on your butt.
Sage did her gymnastics routing with cartwheels, flips and rounded it off with a Kirsty flop
by Jihad Mike July 13, 2019
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Kirsty Bresnan is a type of person whom is annoying and would tend to do gymnastics. She likes to complain and will try to get her way. Her only weakness is to call him/her a spoilt brat.
You are the biggest Kirsty Bresnan
by Jshshsbajnd December 3, 2019
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A mountain situated in the Eastern fells of the English Lake District. Kirsty Pike welcomes weary walkers to sit and rest on the summit, while offering spectacular views of other mountains. Viewed from a far Kirsty Pike is a not only a tower of strength, but is a stunning visual image of jaw dropping wonderment, sit there and gaze and let the charms of Kirsty Pike pull you in.
I sat and gazed at the beauty of Kirsty Pike, my favourite mountain of them all.
by Mountainous man December 30, 2021
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A mountain situated in the Eastern fells of the English Lake District. Kirsty Pike welcomes weary walkers to sit and rest on the summit, while offering spectacular views of other mountains. Viewed from a far Kirsty Pike is a not only a tower of strength, but is a stunning visual image of jaw dropping wonderment, sit there and gaze and let the charms of Kirsty Pike pull you in.
I sat and gazed at the beauty of Kirsty Pike, my favourite mountain of them all.
by Mountainous man December 30, 2021
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