The moment in which one transcends pass a Joaquin Moment. Some say it is was not only the greatest moment of their life but the pinnacle of humanity.
Person 1: Had sex it was a Joaquin Moment
Person 2: joaquin moment moment
by Joaquin moment moment February 22, 2021
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(Note that this just a joke and is not real so please don't take it seriously)

Joaquin Phoenix Joke Disease is a hugely rare disease that makes a person laugh uncontrollably until they physically cannot breath. This usually accures when something funny is said to the person or if the person thinks of something they think is funny. The meaning behind the disease's name is from Joaquin Phoenix, who is famous for playing Joker in the DC film of the same name. In the film, he suffers from a illness very similar to this where he will laugh miniacly without his free will. Side effects of Joaquin Phoenix Joke Disease include, laughing uncontrollably, sore throat and lungs, unable to control breathing processes and even death.
Person 1: *says something funny*
Person 2: *starts laughing uncontrollably for several minutes*
Person 1: wow dude are you okay??
Person 2: yeah I'm fine I just have Joaquin Phoenix Joke Disease, it happens all the time.
Person 1: Oh okay see you later bro.
Person 2: *continues to laugh and choke cutely in Japanese*
by mysticfr0g December 27, 2022
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The Type of sex toy that reeks of centuries worth of crusted up cum rags, but still works after all that shit's been through
by JozzJuicer November 24, 2022
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Joaquin the Koala is a very famous-unknown character considered like a god for lots of people. Usually have a mother named Marcela and sleeps 22 hours a day; but when he´s not sleeping, he can be almost as great as ¨Chicharito¨.
John: Hey! look at Bob, he has a big scare on his face.

Sam: Oh I see, maybe Joaquin the Koala kick him.

Did you saw that amazing Koala, I bet his mother is called Marcela.
by Samuel Taco October 26, 2011
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"A greek boy that likes shroom jokes and Toby Denton".
"Joaquin James stop looking at shrooms !"
by shroom10191 September 11, 2021
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the hottest most handsome best looking man alive
Joaquin Lindop better get off that computer call, and kiss me on my hot mouth, i’m feeling romantical
by Joaquins lover July 29, 2021
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