A creation of popular YouTuber JennaMarbles’ friend, Jason Sullivan, in which the bone of a corn cob is replaced by a hot dog.
Yesterday, I made a corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it’s a hot dog. It was awful.
by plumphobia March 17, 2021
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When you've eaten a huge family meal and finally you b begin to upshot the largest turd in your life and it feels like birthing a corn cob.
Oh Lawdy Lawdy, here comes another Texas Corn Cob! gonna need a second flush and some cleanser.
by Lothar January 14, 2018
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When your girlfriend bites down on your forearm and pretends to eat it or take a bite out of it. Can also describe hickeys on the forearm.
“Are you in a biting mood baby? Do you need a California Corn Cob?”
by Augustguy10 February 19, 2021
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Steve has corn on the cob. Greg just ate corn on the cob. ie ass to mouth.
by fartbubbles 13 August 18, 2021
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The action of having your girl give you dome after you did anal and got corn on your dick from her Chipotle burrito or bowl earlier in the day. In order to achieve corn on the cob, anal must take place exactly 8 hours and 30 minutes after the consumption of a Chipotle bowl or burrito.
We did it so dirty last night, I did corn on the cob to finish him
by December 3, 2021
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Nibbling along the shaft of a penis while performing oral sex, just like eating a big juicy piece of corn on the cob at a summer barbeque. Butter is of course always better while performing this act!
Me- I took this girl back to my place and she tried corn-cobbing me, but I had to push her off!
Friend- Why?
Me- cause that bitch had braces!
by BigDaddyC6969 December 2, 2020
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