A sexy girl with a hot ass. Passionate and exciting, with a temper. A girl you definitely want to keep!
I wish I was just like Casey!
by LilahBabe January 7, 2012
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Confident outgoing girl who always looks on the bright side of thing. Casey loves meeting new people and is very friendly. She is very trust worthy and can be trusted with any secret. She is cute and carries herself well. You should be honoured to meet such a well rounded girl.
by Teenage Dreamer September 16, 2010
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The coolest bitch you're every meet! Every guy want s to wife her and every female wants to be her. She amazingly beautiful and full of sugar spice and a little bit of naughty
Casey? Yeah that's her
by Best love January 6, 2012
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a very pretty, extemely hot, and smart girl, usually brunette that has fun all the time
Woah who is that girl?
I dont know, but her name should be Casey
by Shuppppp February 27, 2009
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A girl with brown hair and blue eyes. pretends to love people

that she doesn't. but always has her heart to one person. She
will fall in love before high school and marry that man no matter
what it takes. she will be his best friend and a great lover. She
doesn't have a type, but gets lucky by marrying a guy with a large
penis, even if she didn't care about the size. She smiles all the time
even if she has no reason to and only cries in front of the people she
trusts with her life. she can be your best friend or worst enemy. but
she is very faithful to Jesus Christ. She knows that God is her real
best friend and she loves God more than anyone. Shes GORGEOUS. and is told that often. Shes bashful when approached, but usually is the one to approach you. Shes got a big ass and nice hips. Men love staring at her Double D's and grabbing her butt. Lets face it, shes sexier than you.
Casey is so brave.
by Jakester Simmon Tyler March 16, 2013
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Usually, a name for a guy. However, if you are lucky, you will find a cute country girl behind these gorgeous blue eyes. She is a bit introverted, but when she meets the right people and is with the right friends, she becomes the life of the party. You will never find a sweeter girl either, this girl can cook, clean, and make you smile with her jokes. Usually, a genius, and has always had above a 3.8 GPA. Oh! and obviously she likes dogs so... need say anymore? If you are not convinced, then your loss.
That girl loves country concerts, she must be a casey.
by powerstride January 31, 2018
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A beautiful young man who certainly doesn't have a giant cock. It is in fact, quit small.
Damn, look how tiny Casey's cock is!
by Ubberdouche December 20, 2016
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