Sweaty inner thighs and ass, symptom of walking a long distance in hot weather. ie. common for a golf caddy to experience this condition.
Damn man! all this walking is giving me Caddy Ass!!

caddyassgolfcaddy rashbutt sweatsweat ass
by Ocean_Dicky November 20, 2012
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A person that assists in your orgasm and may even give pointers on how to cum easier, take longer or may not know jack and are there only for a summer job anyways.
John used his cum caddy to make life easier on himself.
by deniedcorpse October 14, 2009
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When you dress up like a golfer and have "golf themed" anal sex while watching golf on television.
If your lover, mistress, partner, or friend is an avid fan of the sport of golf it is suggested that you incorporate Caddy Shacking into the act of watching golf on television. Caddy Shacking is an anal sex party game, where you must announce the events that are occurring on TV while having anal sex.

Recipient: I need to pull the pin (butt-plug) out before you try to sink the putt.
Giver: I need to line up this putt so I can get a good, long, and a solid stroke.
by Cocktavious Vagsquirten October 16, 2011
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The poor husbands and boyfriends that have to follow thier wives/gfs around the mall, hauling endless amounts of bags, sometimes aided by a stroller.
Friend: Yo, B, wanna hit the links today?
LBC: Nah Brah, wifey-poo says panties are on sale 5 for $25, so I'm stuck being a Lane Bryant Caddy today.
Friend: Thas Crazy!
by ScotttheBee March 8, 2010
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The act of lining a golf ball up to your sexual partners vagina or anus, then smashing it in with a gold club, usually a 9-iron.
Hey bro, can I borrow your 9-iron, me and my girl are gonna try caddy shacking
by giggles mglongdong November 22, 2011
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