Big And Manly Females
Used for parents and teachers that you can't explain what BAMF truly means.
"You want BAMF on your team shirt? What does BAMF mean?"
"...Big And Manly Females!"
by teranle January 25, 2009
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a word to describe someone who is really fucking bad ass. (bad ass mother fucker).
"i didn't do my homework last night."
"wow tom, your such a BAMF."
by #2BAMF April 2, 2009
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1>A bad ass mother fucker.
2> A girl named Youngsil: who is indeed "a bad ass mother fucker"
Yo man, you see that chick over there? She is such a BAMF
by BAMF'S R US April 27, 2010
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A BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKER who rocks at rugby. Usually a group of six girls who can kick anybody's ass anyday.
Dude check out that blond "BAMF" and her five other friends!
Yeah......I wanna date one soo badly!
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Bad Ass Mother Fucker

- A person who wastes away their life studying in a library
Carl is one BAMF, he spent the whole day in the library his text book started to adhere to the desk!
by StudyLess March 19, 2010
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that dude, fuck tht bamf man

u saw that bamf just cut me off
by C Squad November 7, 2006
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