National Roast Leah day on how short she is
Leah:I'm 4'10
Guy:Ur 4'5
Leah:Why'd you say that
Guy: Because it's December 6
by GoodGuy123456789abc December 6, 2021
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This is the day where you give or make your relatives, friends and etc gifts.
It can be ANYTHING, like literally anything.
December 6 is the day where you can give or make anyone anything.
by yourlocalperson December 5, 2020
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The day the cutest sweetest girl in the world was born!
Person 1: yo, have you seen “Natalie”? She’s so pretty I wish I could date her, she’s got the best sense of humor and she’s so cute!
Person 2: I knoww right i think it’s because she was born on December 6
by Just_do_it_its_worth_the_risk November 19, 2020
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National ignore your gf day. Today is the only day when you can ignore your gf for a whole day.
Girl: Babe why aren't you talking to me
Boy: It's December 6
Girl: So you gone ignore me
Boy: ...
by Lost ones December 5, 2021
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December 6th is give your gf a hug day
Girl: hey baby can I have a hug
Boy: no
Girl: it’s December 6th
by Tyler the idiot November 24, 2020
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