Three or more transients in a group.
Check out that flop of transients.

It’s a floppin’ flop of transients.
by Itchy crotch August 6, 2022
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When somebody bails on a plan that either has been made or is in the process of being made.
James and his friend anthony were supposed to go out friday night, but anthony flopped.

Flop, Flopped, flopping
by Ivan carlos May 24, 2019
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someone who failed or who is lame
"ur shirt is ugly"
"stfu flop"
by thisshitsliterallygoofy March 16, 2023
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v: to fall apart emotionally after a stressful event
"How did your court hearing go?"
"I handled it okay in there, but when I got to the car, I totally flopped."
by benbobbins June 25, 2016
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cardi’s new alblum only got 1000 streams on the first week, she’s such a flop!
by loganthatthang February 3, 2021
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80STARKS on twitter is a flop
80STARKS is a flop 🤣
by 80STARKS May 8, 2021
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