A person who uses :3 and :D
Other emoticons as well but primarily those two.

They also say stuff like “yippee!!”
Really fun and positive people to hang out with.
First silly person: I got us some ice cream!
Second silly person: yippee!! :33
Fist silly person: lol you’re so sillyy :3
by spicystick3 September 10, 2024
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" Hey do you know the silliest silly?" "Yes it's Jessika!"
by Pooppaa January 28, 2023
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the silliest lesbo ever, their name is viri.
“Oh, Viri? Yeah, they’re probably the silliest lesbo I’ve ever met.”

“Viri is very silly.”
by peachiiskies December 25, 2022
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coined and spoken only by the rapper “Livy D”, it stands on a different aspect of reality, as it has multiple definitions depending on the situation.
That’s just...silly
by fcdub February 24, 2019
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