August 25th is the one day of the year where you get to kick the shit out of the onceler au askblog "hobo-ler" also known as "hobo", most people would like to beat him up any day but this is a special occasion where everyone groups together to kick the shit out of him
by Thebestbatz August 25, 2023
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An individual who chooses live a subsistence lifestyle and eco warrior philosophy while stepping into the carbon foot prints of others.
Jason is such a woke hobo he only takes natural fiber items from the free store.

Sunbeam went on forever about the evils of oil companies before she asked me for all my plastic recycling to repair her tar paper shack.
by HeathIam November 5, 2019
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Literally any food wrapped in tin foil and cooked over a fire or grill. Typical foods include potatoes, steak, and assorted vegetables.
When I got back to my campsite from a long day of drunken begging and defecating on the sidewalk, I wrapped up some meat and potatoes in tin foil and cooked up a nice hobo dinner for myself and the other useless homeless people so that we may have sustenance for our next adventures into civilized society.
by Jasenmase June 21, 2021
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A person that only hangs around someone thats homeless when they managed to get a hotel room but ad soon as its time for checkout they are off to find someone else with a room so they can repeat the cycle.
Have you noticed how so and so is real hobo hopper since they only comes around when you've got a room?
by Sj2412 August 16, 2023
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Imagine a typical Hypixel player, imagine if they were amazing and they were cool. Basically a nice Hypixel boi.
AnEpicYeet is a Hypixel Hobo Supreme.
by ThatMangoMonkey June 22, 2021
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A broke bitch looking for drugs money or place to live
Amy was a facebook hobo until she got what she needed
by Cc003 April 20, 2018
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The simplest definition of A hobo is someone that understands the rules of society and knows they are violating it. You need society to survive, a Hobo needs nothing but his brain. A Hobo is MacGyver from the ghetto of Westchester and the Bronx, at least that's how. Hobo chic was a fashion statement. Wall Street hobo I think evolved out of the Occupy Wall Street movement. That's the convergence of Wall Street the richest in our society and the poorest on paper. Occupy Wall Street changed the game, temporarily.

A hobo is what you call someone you can immediately tell is gangster but from a bygone era. Wall Street hobo is where hobo chic evolved to in the modern era. Hobo chic was obviously invented by the highly subtle gay community of the new York city. What they did is flip the script by taking the worst articles of fashion, like what we worked out in a made it the most desirable outfit for society. Whoever started this movement is gansta and wants no credit. A real gansta does need credit.

I grew listening to rap. When big L rapped, "you can't kill me, I was born dead.
I want to start a debate of whether Mark Zuckerberg was the first Wall Street hobo. I think if he was a real wall street hobo you wouldn't even of heard of him. He dresses in the old uniform of the wall street. The real Wall Street hobo is a that lady that wrote a book called lean in. She runs the show their, zuck is just an actor who Is pretending to be a Wall Street Hobo in order to sell a product and ideas that were completely built by other people. I do not know if female wall street hobos is a gender neutral name or if female wall street hobos have another title.
by The real wall street hobo February 6, 2022
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