"Greasing Wheezer" is the act of male masturbation with the use of a lubricant such as lotion or oil and plenty of porn ;. Get that nut.
Tim's girlfriend denied him access to her vagina, therefore he ended up greasing wheezer.
by Penelope Muffinbutt July 23, 2010
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When the food is greasy that it’s causes short memory for a period of time in the future.
James: Hey have you tried Cheesecake Factory? I’m wondering if it’s good.
Zach: Yes I went, and It’s alright, it gave me Grease Amnesia though.
by Winwesbla May 29, 2023
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Sweat that seeps between fat rolls.
I got a bunch of crease grease after walking to my kitchen.
by Pinkmin June 26, 2017
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Is a women who loves or has a healthy interest in car repaired can get her hands dirty.
"That chick is a Grease Queen "

Guy- " hey you do this work on this ride ?"

Women- "Yeah"

Guy-"Dam you a grease queen forsure"

Guy 1- "Is that your girl working on that car"
Guy2 - "yeah"
Guy1 -"Dam man you got your self a grease queen"
by fox88 August 20, 2017
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I want to find a cute girl to have a grease summer while i am here.
by Person...m July 29, 2021
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The act of spitting out cum into the palm of your hand and reaching up and putting it on the erect penis above you.

Usually done to inflict pain on the male when the recipient was not warned of its arrival. Many men find it unpleasant or even painful to have their diving board touched after he shoots a hot load. But can be done to try to keep the erection stiff a bit longer and or encourage an additional orgasm.
A: "I can't believe he just shot in your mouth without asking. I hope you got him back good" "Hell yeah I did. I know how to grease the high board. You should have seen him squirm."

Sorry Baby; just use it to grease the high board. I think I can shoot another load.
by BoyTVLive January 16, 2012
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Humorous term for a female's coochie, into which a male "injects" a special "lubricant" with his "grease gun".
The real reason dat many older ladies have so much problems with painful/creaky hip-joints is that they aren't "getting some" nearly so often as da younger chicks usually do --- all ladies' hip-joints need periodic "lubricating" from a guy's inserting his built-in "greasing tool" into the "natural grease-fitting" located between her legs.
by QuacksO December 30, 2019
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