The hair underneath your belly button leading to your genitals.
Man, i guess its time for me to shave my happy trail, its starting to get wild and nasty!
by bigboy krypt0 June 18, 2022
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The path of hair leading from a dudes belly button to his dick.
Richard! Put your shirt back on! No one wants to see your nasty happy trail, you Dick!
by chkn nuget dino October 21, 2018
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Wipes are trail money so you don't have to use socks to wipe your rear.
by jjou February 12, 2019
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The thing that displays when you turn on "Display pointer trails" on Windows 10, the default cursor trail length is long.
Guy 1: I like my cursor trail!
Guy 2: I know right?
by W Rich January 10, 2021
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While mostly known as the car, the Trail Blazer is when a hairy whore leaves a gary the snail trail of penguin seamin off her pussy after rubbing it off on the carpet giving her third degree burns and a red puss.
That girl is a fucking trail blazer. You should have seen my apartment last night, bro.
by gluckgluckcumjug March 30, 2023
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over talking about one subjuct for too long.
Narrator: Ben takes supersizesd hit from bong
Ben: You know when you are in the cereal isle at the store ...(20 excruciatingly long minutes late) that’s how I came to the conclusion that Trix ARE for kids!
Jerry: Woahhh man, you really trailed. You must really love cereal!
Narrator: Ben enthusiastically passes the bong to Jerry, as he continued trailing about his cereal endeavors.
by whatitisdoe February 23, 2019
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When you pull out after anal and wipe it off on her ass
Well if you cleaned it out beforehand I wouldn't have had to give you a worm trail
by Worm_man May 10, 2023
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