High School in Denver, Colorado. Main activities include baseball, football, drawing swastikas in the bathroom stalls, Xbox 360, smoking weed, being mediocre, attending lame pep rallies, Basketball, yelling "BEANER!" at the Mexican kids, smoking weed, being deluded into thinking XXXTENTACION is a good rapper, telling cool stories to bros, acting like a jackass in class, smoking weed, eating synthetic lunch food, high school sex, being homophobic, yelling at the teachers for trying to help you, wearing clothes that make you look like what some would call a douchebag, wearing school merchandise like it's cool or something, smoking weed, repeating what's been on Sportscenter for the last week and half with your friends, standing in the hallways, spreading rumors, half-assing it, and smoking weed.

Did I mention smoking weed?
“I wanna move to West Denver
Kids from other schools: Ew you know West Denver High School is ghetto”
by mylefnut July 31, 2018
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West Port High School really takes the High part seriously. Students go there to pursue their talents only to be disappointed. You really get a show from this school! From the amazing theater performances to the passionate bathroom sex interrupted by fiddlers with Devil went down to Georgia to the stolen sinks! Do you like bathrooms? Well, you're in luck, there is a golden toilet fit for a king! Your education is very important here! You'll only fail every other semester!
Friend: What high school are you going to?
Me: West Port High School
Friend: I'm sorry for your loss.
by Bitchboymcgee November 12, 2021
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the nastiest grimiest school on long island. all the people are shit, everyone's racist, the school is crawling with vineyard vines and victorias secret. actual fights every day, it's like going to school with a bunch of apes. Everyone is either emo or a raging homophobic racist piece of shit. Don't even get me started on the food. I would rather eat a locker than that shit. the school is nasty dusty and not to mention CRUSTY.
west babylon high school is ASS man
by mariamarmar April 7, 2022
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Guy1: aye did you see what happened at west Bloomfield high school
Guy2: yeah man they’re so ghetto
Guy1:Fr 😂
by Ilikedick1223939 October 16, 2021
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West Seattle High School is a school so liberal that the of these snow flakes. A school so filled with STD’s that condoms are handed out like the F’s at this school. A school so entrenched in PC terms that even thinking there are two genders is illegal. Our dances are a semi-clothed orgy.

Definition- Satans high school/ orgy
Guy 1 From West Seattle High School, “ Did you just fucking label me a ‘Guy’ . You fucking maga hat piece of shit. Gender is a social construct.”
by SpaceMan226 April 30, 2019
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A semi trashy high school with a school building built in the 70s and not updated since. D hall smells like fish and V hall smells like fire. Administrators are power hungry and eager to yell at children so they have a sense of purpose in life, only to go home and wither in their depressed households. A school where you only get 10 minutes to socialize and eat a fucking meal at 11 in the morning to survive the rest of the day.
“I hear West Florence High School is ass
by LightWond September 7, 2021
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A “early college” high school located deep between GhettoWood and JunkieValley, the football players push piya sticks up each other’s asses. im not sure how we call the teachers teachers. not to mention previous faculty members have been fired from having chew in their lips during school hours. most of the students vape or smoke weed. the upper class men are heavily given too many get out of jail cards. waste valley is also know for its very HORNY kids just like the other schools but we take it one extra step we have a “Virginity Tree” if you fuck on school grounds you take your shoes you fucked in and throw them up into the tree, the teachers clearly know about this and do nothing..like the fucking tree is right where we all get out shity lunch that’s not even fit for a dog. you can find some cool people but it’s few and slim.
wannabe gangster - do you go to west valley high school?

stoners - nahh we go to waste valley
ps. Masson S. and Ben B. are pussies
by King_Organic September 10, 2021
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