water bottle is a word British people say in a weird way. same for the sentence ‘bottle of water
“hey can you give me your water bottle?”
Crikey don’t you mean your bo’le o’ wo’oh? What rubbish!”
by maaria ur mom April 18, 2022
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an ugly thot who is always wet...
man 1: dude did u hear what julia did?
man 2:nah bro, what she do?
man 1: she let jake finger her during class
man 2: bruh she ugly asf tho
man 1: man ik, shes such a water bottle
man 2: fr bro
by datwackbitch February 11, 2020
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hey pass me the water bottle.
hey is the water bottle full?
where is the water bottle
by anima rapper June 22, 2020
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water but there’s a plot twist and it’s caged in a bottle.
by waterbottleseven7 September 14, 2019
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When you take a water bottle, put it next to your erect penis and see who wins.
Jordan lost the water bottle challenge, so Jenny went to Trevor.
by Dick beater321 October 21, 2022
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