When you are drunk and laying on your back and you throw up all over your face. The vomit coming up resembles an erupting volcano.
Kellie was passed out on her floor last night and she made a drunken volcano.
by MikeFromDilley January 30, 2005
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When one person has diarrhea on another person's face who then vomits upward like a volcano spewing lava.
I just had Mexican; can't wait to go home and grumble volcano my girlfriend.
by ghostkilla696969 August 21, 2013
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when a guy with a really small penis does a really loose girl.
guy one - have you ever thrown a toothpick into a volcano?
guy two - why yes, i did just last night.
by seagullxx October 16, 2007
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When a man blows his load into his girlfriend/boyfriends asshole. Then his partner gets on their hands and knees with their ass in the air, and clenches their asshole, causing a burst or "volcano" of jizz to come shooting out.
Friend: Dude, I heard you and your bae did a Mexican Volcano last night.

Dude: Yeah bro. It left a pretty big mess!
by TheAcornnMan July 29, 2014
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The act of masturbating while lying flat on your back, and being too lazy to get up to jizz or even use a sock to sop it up. You knowingly jizz all over yourself and go back to sleep.
"I was so hungover from operation blackout last night I just lazy volcanoed and passed right back out."
by RapeFactory420 July 10, 2009
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Angry red sticky-outy nipples, much like a volcano.
I am not showering with Vlad again, dude has volcano nipples.
by Dee Buttersnapps January 7, 2011
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A woman's vagina or other orifice that is infected with a STD or venereal disease. Including but not limited to; Herpes & gonorrhea.
Stay away from Marie, she has a volcano box.

I need to get tested, that girl might have had a volcano box.
by Webster Miami August 13, 2009
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