Someone who is vegetarian and is a whiny pussy about it.
Aziz is a total vagitarian. See below:
"Aziz, stop being such a vagitarian and eat a fucking steer!"
by Joshua Matthew Carp VI May 26, 2006
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A vagitarian approach ot dieting is a positive move toward a more compassionate and cleaner world and a world of improved personal health.
There are lots of options for going vagitarian. Look around. The choices you find will be varied, healthy and delicious
by BMac October 29, 2004
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There are a lot of vagitarians in the Gayborhood.
by babyjade914 February 13, 2011
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A lesbian who has cut all forms of meat out of her diet
After becoming a VAGITARIAN, stephanie was able to lose enough weight to win back the love of her life.
by MCJIMBOSLICE February 17, 2017
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generally a vulgar term used to refer to a lesbian
I think Jennifer is a vagitarian; I only ever see her out with women.
by learning2letgo January 20, 2009
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person who licks vagina and they love it sooo much that they just licks it and eats egg cells inside vagina instead of food
OMG, he is such a vagitarian
by lolfislol January 28, 2015
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Sally: You know my sister, Danica?
Venessa: Yeah, what about her?
Sally: She’s an absolute vagitarian, it disgusts me.
by Jizgado April 18, 2019
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