Stage name for the most annoying, dirty-hippie, abnoxious, hypocrite, alcoholic, cheater,... need i go on.
It's a good thing you cute!
watch out for this guy girls!
Sandy "Tweed! Never thinks of anyone but himself!"
Sarah "He doesn't know when to stop!"
Lindsey "He cheated on me!"
Jenn "He took advantage of me while i was high!"
Sam "He's only nice when he wants something from you."
by Victom of your stupidity November 7, 2008
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A term used to insult someone that does not like music
Tweed: Can you turn the radio off? I don’t like the music
Normal person: stop being such a TWEED and enjoy the tunes
by thatdudejeff March 26, 2022
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A Tweed is an (otherwise) dweeb who smokes weed. The tweed may have niche interests and or know a lot, but they also know how to have a good time!
Did that nerd just spark a spliff? (Scoff) What a tweed!

Shut up Kyle, YOU'RE the tweed!

Lol ur mom's a tweed.

by cockprancer May 12, 2019
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Smoking a mixture of meth and weed at the same time.
Hey man we on dat tweed it's that speed weed.
by Busty packelford June 24, 2019
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an nrl that consists of dick pics and toe sucking
daddy do me a south tweed bears
by yeet me June 17, 2021
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The act of tweeting while using cannabis also commonly known as weed.
by Numbah3 March 6, 2020
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