a name for someone of the opposite sex, not neccesarily for a girlfriend or boyfriend
by Jenn March 18, 2004
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Of pseudo-French origin, expressing delight at ones outstanding skill or achievement.
e.g. After football skills, one might say "tut a la pec".
by Danny Baxter June 6, 2005
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1.A piece of jewelry so ostentatiously expensive that it is fit for royalty.

2.A weapon (or any other object) that is incredibly important and hidden from sight (in reference to King Tut's hidden tomb).
Casual: Rolls gold, King Tut Piece, flooded with boulders..

Ghostface Killah: Oh shit! Bookhead, just bought a 5, G had a King Tut Piece
by Logos2 November 25, 2008
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A sexual act in which one forciably inserts jagged grains of sand into the urtethra of their partner, preferably with the aid of a straw or ballpoint pain.
Last night at Sven's I got a brutal King Tut Special.
by Matt "Reach Around" Zablocki February 27, 2006
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an absolute god. the best rapper chandler arizona has ever seen. got bailed out by dababy. he hard asf
omg he’s such a king tut king shad! he just fought a kid and got arrested but got bailed out by dababy!
by lividbiscuit August 10, 2020
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noun: enormously HUGE phallic object
verb: the act of taking someone to task with above stated phallic object
adjective: Someone who behaves as said phallic object or a very BIG deal
Noun: Man, I saw this flick where a chick took a king tut piece in her asshole!!!! It was the size of a forearm!!

Verb: Ol' girl got a "F" on her term paper...yeah the professor really gave her the king tut piece.

Adjective: Richard is such a tut piece!!!
Man, Livia's party is going to be the KING TUT PIECE!!! I'm talkin' five freaks to each guy!!!
by aledros July 11, 2006
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the nastiest school ever. the dirty-ass bus was always fucking late, whiteskin mfs think they gangsta or some dumb dummy-dum shit. FIGHTS EVERYWHERE. especially the fights. them teachers dont do shit, classmates talkin mad dookie to everyone, everyone is so fucking hostile, school was always dirty/slimy/stinky/ugly/utterly disgusting. i swear them bitches at Tut Middle School gonna grow up to be drug dealers or sum shit. This why y'all never go to Georgia.
person 1: on god tut middle school is the rankiest fuckin school ive ever been to
person 2: UHYEAH.
by ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ November 16, 2021
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