to get owned by a Quaker english teacher named Ms. Ross (aka Ross the Boss)
by ross the boss09 May 4, 2009
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Random Orgasmic Sexual Spurt; when one just blows his load for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Nick rossed in his pants that one night.
by Rico Suaviar February 26, 2009
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The act of putting you’re dick in a jar of peanut butter and then realizing that your dog is having an allergic reaction.
God damnit ross if you keep doing THE ROSS the dogs gonna die.”
by Bigisland April 3, 2023
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A bald guy from Newport who doesn't come out with the lads because he's under his misses' thumb.
Sorry boys I can't come out on Saturday because the misses is making me spend time with her. I'm pulling a Ross.
by Mills93 November 14, 2019
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The kind of person who likes the song "Old Town Road" and drives in a lifted 4.0 jeep. He loves to throw in hoggers, and smoke then cigs. Ross is a lovely guy.
Ross is a total hick from turtle crick.
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The act of putting marijuana in your anus and waiting till it dissolves to see if you get high
by DownyDevin October 23, 2017
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1. the act of repeatedly telling a story over again to people who have heard it before. could be mere moments after the original telling, or it could be weeks. it usually incites anger and annoyance, and people start to make fun of you.
C'mon brobro, I've heard you say that story about your ma's sweet tarts like a milliontimes, and so has everyone else here. Youre Rossing again dude, and its not cool.
by rickyrosaymofuckinbrozay January 26, 2016
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