Used to describe an attack in chess with both knights (Made popular by GM Hikaru Nakamura).
We're going to go in with deez knights. And we'll take the pawn on f3.
by Benjokazooie May 17, 2023
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A celebrity that is most famous for producing the song “My Time” by BTS.The song appeared on the multi platinum, number 1 selling album of 2020, Map of The Soul: 7. He is also known for his hilarious clap backs on Twitter.
That new BTS song produced by Sleep Deez SLAPS!
by Jungkookseyelashes March 19, 2021
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A 2016 presidential candidate, who clearly would have been a better choice then Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
Deez nuts got 9% of the population to vote for him in 2016.
by ShaneOnPal February 9, 2018
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Dragon deez balls across your face.
Teacher: who’s dragon deez
Student: dragon deez balls across your face.
by Flying Bhavesh July 6, 2021
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Me: You ever been to Chewons?
You: Whats Chewons?
Me: Chew on Deez Nuts
by JingoBa April 28, 2008
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Used to make someone feel stupid for actually falling into the trap of this joke
"Hey, do you want some tape and CD's?"
"What am I gonna do with that?"
"You can tape my dick to your forehead so you can See Deez Nuts!!!"
by Daonocto January 9, 2008
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A pair of words you use to fuck with anybody who actually wants to know what came in the mail.
You: Something came in the mail today.
Friend: What?
You: Deez Nuts!^&*%^$#@%^$&% Ha GOTEEEEEEEEM
by GotEemWithDeezNuts April 16, 2015
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