the small pieces of skin that lift up off of severely chapped lips...
i shouldn't have pulled off that lip splinter.

i have lip splinters, i really need some chapstick!
by avaflava February 7, 2010
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Someone who looks like a rat. Derived from the teacher of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Andrew Bray is master splinter.
by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004
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To engage in sexual intercourse. The phrase is usually used when a friend has waited a period of time for you to exit the room in which the activities are taking place. A phrase often used by those not good at thinking on their feet.
I had to remove a splinter from her foot.
by Hunt Sman March 20, 2007
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when two people have sex during the winter season while wearing all of their winter gear (which may include but is not limited to their scarfs, hats, jackets, sweaters, snow boots etc.)
1. I had a winter splinter the other day and that shit felt so DAMN good but FUCK...I was hot as hell!

2. He looked so good, I just couldn't wait to take our clothes we winter-splintered it real quick.
by BlackPanther415 March 5, 2009
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Dr. Splinter
(18-192 AD)

Successfully killed Big Schloot, Bigfoot's Brother, in 32 AD.
Dr. Splinter successfully killed Big Shloot.
by Unkl_Shvelven May 5, 2006
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verb; The act of behaving like a Splinter Cell.
This usually involves doing acrobatics such as split jumps, rolls, pole climbs, and others. It can also refer to someone who is "assassinating" a member of society.
Guy 1: Man, I was splinter celling down the hallway and I hurt my shoulder pretty bad.


Guy 1: Hey, look at that guy splinter celling that priest over there.
Guy 2: Sucks to be them.
by Scott McG October 13, 2007
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