This is an acronym from the Peaches Song "Fuck the Pain Away." While "SIS" probably does stand for "Stay In School" "IUD" does NOT stand for "Injustice Under Dog" as stated in the other listing for this pair of acronyms. It stands for "Intra-Uterine Device," a free form of birth control provided by Planned Parenthood. Peaches is encouraging girls to stay in school by not getting pregnant.
"IUD SIS / SIS IUD... stay in school cause it's the best."
by morebettermostrighter January 9, 2010
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Organization of sensation for use.
A type of therapy effective for children with processing disorders including autism.
therapists facilitate a child's intrinsic understand of body sensations to better interact with the understanding of everything that is not the body
by occupational therapist December 14, 2004
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an incredibly annoying yet popular term used mainly by teenage girls. “sis” or “sister” originated from the popular yet toxic youtuber james charles. the word usually replaces someone’s name in a phrase, and it not meant to be offensive for the most part. can be used rudely though, as seen in example 2. word for the wise, try to keep the number of times you use this word a day to 0.
ex 1: “omg! spill the tea sis!!”
ex 2: “don’t even go there sis, you look like a rat.”
by riley0 March 29, 2019
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Abriviation for suck it, normally used on MMORPG's to make fun of the loser.
Oh, man! Did you just see that head shot? Bet you didnt see that coming loser! SI n00b! Better luck next time!
by Nicholson L. May 6, 2006
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SI : meaning ha ha ha(in a sarcastic tone)or your not very smart
randomly made up on the spot because someone mispelt my name so i said si (because that was the bit they missed out) he said "what?" so i carried on saying si just to make him feel like he'd missed out on something. now it is a word! i hope:)
someone makes a joke about you thats not very funny you say "si si"
someone answers a question wrong you say "si" and laugh
by Hannah macintosh April 11, 2004
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VERY sweet, cute, attractive, thoughtful, smart, funny young woman found in and around the London area. Keep your eyes peeled but dont touch, she's already claimed ;)
Just think of someone that fits the description above - there's only one person you can think of!
by shiftkis May 16, 2003
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hoh sis is a name repeated throughout YouTube poops made by YouTuber cs188 usually mentioned along with the joj
You want the JOJ right? And you want it even more that the first time? Then why don’t you call hoh sis
by James McCree October 2, 2018
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