An annoyingly P.C. car line that pretenses to be the Macintosh of automobiles but in fact is the Windows of such. A car designed with no consideration for the driver or owner. A car for people that would rather not be bothered with driving but have no choice. A conveyance slightly more dignified and gratifying than the bus.
Look at all those saturn cars in the employee lot of the Technology Park!
by Noel S November 27, 2005
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A Mom's car. Often used to transport children to and from soccer and or softball practices.
Ben: Billy, how are you getting to soccer practice today?

Billy: Oh, my mom's taking me in her Saturn VUE.
by Kara Lcad July 11, 2008
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When two guys are rubbing their buttholes together, they create a vapor lock. Such a powerful suction between anuses, that they only be pried apart after one guy orgasms and the sphincter contracts.
Hey Shorty wanna go to the Rings of Saturn? Fuck yeah Fam, thought you’d never ask! That night we closed the space between us, and experienced a suction only compared to that of a black hole sucking in a galaxy.
by C. Diesel balls December 21, 2021
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A dirty Saturn is when u shit in your dog's mouth and shove a box of celebrations up your ass
Friend"what did u do last night"

Me"I pulled a dirty Saturn"
by I_ate_ur_mom_out_123 December 30, 2022
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If Saturn isn’t your friend you’re missing out and must have such a sad life without someone who’s so caring sexy and kind also who would die for you and Saturn is probably smarter than you They’re probably better than you in ever way.

We need to thank their parents.
Hey have you heard of Saturn/Aliya?


I feel bad for you, your life must be so sad AND YOU’RE MISSING OUT!

by etbullets July 15, 2021
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thanks for supporting sinking saturn; even though zacks an asshole!
by Numberone Fan August 6, 2006
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A Saturn's ring is someone who doesn't fit the "status quo" so to speak or an outsider
Everyone is wearing pink except for Becky, she is such a Saturn's ring.
by Chevlarda June 4, 2014
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