An asshole of ginormous ridiculousness. A person who defies reasonable stupidity with their actions.
A "ridiculous asshole" would take his girlfriend to the movies, then take his mistress to planned parenthood
by Schmitty1981 October 20, 2016
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A nonspecific time in the late night / early morning hours when most people are asleep, and it would be considered "ridiculous" to be awake.

The hours that different people believe fall in this category vary depending on whether one is an early bird or a night owl, but most people would consider any time between 2 AM - 6 AM to be ridiculous o'clock. If you believe midnight is ridiculous o'clock, this is a sign you are getting old. And if you think 8 AM is ridiculous o'clock, you are most likely a college student.
1. Senior citizens eat dinner at 4 PM and go to bed at 7 PM (after watching the 6 PM news) because they wake up at ridiculous o'clock.

2. John slept until noon because last night he stayed at the bar until last call and got home at ridiculous o'clock.
by Saint Sean June 30, 2009
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whenever you need a word or phrase to fill empty air, or a word to call someone by when they've done something amazing, stupid, or just bad.
Sara- wow i just colored a picture of my little pony
Alex- WoW! your a ridiculous puffa
by WaKiNgUpInVeGaS September 3, 2008
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A universal adjective which may indicate contentment or discontent in something, or that a certain event is, has been, or will be enjoyable, boring, fun, painful or exciting.
Last night was utterly ridiculous.
by kcynic July 24, 2006
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Beyond ignorant; purposefully and willfully ignorant to the relationship between cause and effect; unable to learn a simple lesson or task after repeated attempts;

see Fucking Retarded
Johnny got his pecker stuck in the coin return again. That boy is ridiculously stupid.
by Margin of Error February 19, 2014
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when a shoelace is broken off a new pair of shoes, this expression is used =)
this is downright ridiculous!!!!
by bojim June 12, 2005
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Talking about yourself in a manner that usually indicates you are a lot better then you are. To an extreme.

Often used by people with an extremely low self-confidence or a high level of insecurity to make them feel better about themselves and more secure.

Often a method of putting others down to make yourself feel better then you are.
"I already finished school. That makes me better then you"

"I'm better then everyone"

"Of course you want to be my friend..who wouldn't?"

"I don't need you anyway"
by Sethenalia May 27, 2005
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