The Great Reset is a proposal by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy sustainably following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was unveiled in May 2020 by the United Kingdom's Prince Charles and WEF director Klaus Schwab. It seeks to improve capitalism by making investments more geared toward mutual progress and focusing more on environmental initiatives. It has been criticized for using the pandemic to implement a risky experiment and a petition to stop it gained 80,000 signatures in less than 72 hours. A conspiracy theory has spread in response, claiming it will be used to bring in socioeconomic and environmental changes and a supposed New World Order.
by DjinnHeyoka December 12, 2020
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To unplug a computer in order to reset or unjam it. The 120 comes from the fact that 120 volts is the wall socket voltage in the United States and CanaDUH.

*** Only do this as a last ditch effort.
My computer is fucked so I have to 120 reset.
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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when you hit a kid named keelen in his right temple lol
"i just factory reset keelen lol"
by fuck heade May 6, 2021
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The act of powering a piece of equipment off and on again in a blind attempt to correct a problem without troubleshooting first. This generally corrects the problem 80 percent of the time, spiking up to 99 percent if the faulty equipment happens to be a computer.
Steve pulled the old Kentucky Reset on the printer and sure enough, the red light turned off and it started printing!
by dismantler July 6, 2011
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A cultural reset is a moment that changed the course of the planet THE TERM CAN ONLY BE USED FOR MOVIES AND MUSIC
Sarah: womanizer by britney spears was such a cultural reset
Anna: periodt
by Helmarian February 18, 2020
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When you do something so terrible or embarrassing that your only option is to factory reset their phone in an effort to erase all traces of yourself from their life.
Oh man, I told her we were in love, had to factory reset her and get out!
by Asthepuckturns September 3, 2016
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You rawdog your partner until you're about to climax, then you pull out and put on a condom. You are given a small intermission to calm your nerves, and start off again where you began; thus, you are given double your allotted sexual performance timeframe.
I used to be a 20 pump chump, but the I learned The Great Reset, and now I last as long as every other man!
by MrLarose July 24, 2021
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