When you've pulled an all-nighter and during the morning hours you discover you have have morning wood despite never having slept and woke up with it.
I just stayed up all night watching girls gone wild and now I got a serious boner paradox going on.
by hsuR June 18, 2011
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The paradox that is created when someone tells you that he or she is a liar. If he IS a liar and tells you that he is a liar, then he is telling the truth and can't be a liar. If he is NOT a liar, but tells you that he is a liar, then he is telling you a lie, so he must be a liar.
"Hey George! Don't believe a word I say!"
"Man, that's fucked up big time. If I believe what you are saying now, it means I must not believe you, and if I don't believe you, it means I have to believe you! It's the Liar's Paradox!"
by Stefano Amare October 18, 2013
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A situation where two people like each other, but do not act upon their feeling because of their nerves and fear of rejection. As a result, neither show that they like each other. Instead of a prime situation where both participants get what they want, both feel rejected and dejected.
John: I really like Alice, but I don't want to get rejected by her, so I'll just leave the party.
Alice: I'd like to talk to John, but he seems too cool for me, so I'll let him be.
A mutual friend: They didn't talk to each other in the end, its a pretty unfortunate example of the lovers' paradox.
by [JD] May 24, 2010
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A situation where people who know next to nothing about Science feel themselves qualified to refute it, often as a means of defending creationism.
Creationist Paradox in action:
Creationist: I only failed science class because it's all wrong!
by Nona Suomy January 13, 2009
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The level where religious people thinks they are too good and feel like they are above other people to the point where their religiousness backfires in intellect and empathy. In simple terms, FOR SOME PEOPLE, the more you become religious, the less intelligent and empathetic you become.

This paradox is prevalent, especially in Abrahamic religions.
Jamal: You have depression? You must be non-religious and have weak iman.

Here, Jamal illustrates a pious paradox, where he thinks he has never experienced depression because of his "higher level" of faith.
by DOMOQUE October 21, 2020
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The Loogie Paradox, also known as the Spit Catch 22, refers to a phenomenon of hocking a loogie in another's mouth and while the other returns the favor.
Guy 1: Bro, I just spit in my girlfriend mouth and she spit back
Guy 2: That sounds a lot like the Loogie Paradox
by Launix4eva September 16, 2021
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The Midwit Paradox is a phenomenon where a midwit or group of midwits cannot understand an out groups arguments, because they can't spot fallacious arguments that they and their own in group makes. How can anyone expect them to understand out group concepts & ideas when they can't spot the most blatant and openly fallacious mistakes of their own ideas?
Example of The Midwit Paradox:

Midwit: Significant disparities between racial groups can only be indicative of environmental or genetic reasons, and that any environmental factor must be racism!
Rationalist: That's a black & white fallacy. That is erroneous because many environmental factors such as culture, religion, and the differing traditional values, or various nuances that come with them are based on free choice. Anyone spouting what you are arguing via reductio ad absurdum would be forced to conclude that free will is somehow racist... which is ridiculous.
Midwit: No it's not, you're just rambling nonsense! The experts agree with me! That's not the consensus! SOUUUURRRCEEE? You're bad and a newtsee! Anyone else who agrees with you is also bad and a newtsee/boogeyman! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Rationalist: *Facepalm*
by ApplesPotatoGardner October 18, 2023
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